About William
My aim and passion is to help you to achieve zero-stress on all levels (Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual). It’s my belief that if we can assist the nervous system and brain to function more optimally we give ourselves and our bodies the opportunity to heal. Out beyond the field of our stress and ailments we each have our own purpose and I hope to be able to assist you in experiencing life with more clarity, capability and fulfilment.
I’m Maori, born in New Zealand but soon moved around the world growing up in the Philippines, Malaysia, Italy, and USA. Now, in Australia, I find myself living with a unique perspective and understanding of many different types of people, allowing me to connect with all walks of life on deeper levels.
I have a great interest in human connection and health which led me to study Non-Violent Communication, Neuro-Energetic Kinesiology and Sound Therapy. I have an odd love for Persian Music and also help to run Australia’s first Vibro-Acoustic Therapy company, VibroSound (https://vibrosoundhealing.com/) with my partner Katherine Jameson who is mother to my son Cyrus Rose.
I trained with Dr. Jeffrey Thompson of the Center for Neuro-Acoustic Research in California (https://centerforneuroacousticresearch.com/) and John Stuart Reid the creator of the CymaScope. (https://soundmadevisible.com/) I’m also currently undertaking a Kinesiology certification with NK Institute. As a sound therapist I specialise in Brain entrainment and synchronisation, nervous system balancing and physio-acoustic/vibro-acoustic therapy.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me for and queries or questions.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Bio-Tuning?
Bio-Tuning is a patented program developed by Dr. Jeffrey Thompson D.C., B.F.A. of The Center for Neuroacoustic Research in California. It incorporates Real-Time Heart Rate Variability with a complex frequency sweep and brain wave protocol interface.
Put simply it is a program which tracks your nervous system live on a computer screen and is able to sweep a frequency through your body and capture the frequency which causes homeostasis.
Following this there is a plethora of protocols which entrain the patient to different brainwaves states, allowing the system to “re-learn” neural pathways as well as a “remember” homeostasis and zero-stress.
Physical, mental and emotional conditions are associated with an underlying neurological connection and this modality aims to “muscle up” those pathways for a more connected and therefore more capable nervous system.
This program uses a patented sound table which is how we are able to play sound to the whole body.
It may sound confusing and complex but during the session all you actually need to do is relax so don’t think about it too much.
What is sound healing? How does it work?
There are a few ways that sound is utilised or aids in the process of healing, one being that our bodies are designed to interpret and entrain to sound as a way to save energy and this may positively effect us by allowing our nervous and biological systems to run more homeostatically. Sound or music may also have an emotional effect allowing the mind and therefore the body to achieve calm. There is also the possibility of memories and emotions resurfacing and being expressed through/with sound, this can be a deep relief often affecting us emotionally and physically. Sound also has the ability to ‘organise’ matter which can alter cellular functions, massage the lymphatic system and improve the immune system function. It could be said that the overall function of sound healing is to eliminate stress allowing all aspects of our being to achieve an ultimate balance.
Where did sound healing originate?
Pythagoras, the Greek philosopher (580 to 500 B.C.E.) is often credited with the birth of sound healing however it is also said that he learned much of this from the Egyptian priesthoods. He discovered the harmonic relationship of sound and used sound for emotional and physical healing. He called his method musical medicine and would sing, chant and compose songs to heal conditions such as anger and anguish. Even though Pythagoras’ discoveries were no less than historically significant, Sound Healing has long been a custom within the indigenous world. Shamanism and Shamanic Healing for example dates back 20,000 to 50,000 years from Siberia to Africa and South America. Modern sound healing is carrying on these traditions in many different forms namely spiritual and scientific.
Can I pay for Sound Therapy with NDIS funds?
Yes! As an Unregistered Provider, Science of Sound is able to receive NDIS funds if you are a self or plan managed NDIS Participant.
What is Vibro-Acoustic or Physio-Acoustic Sound Therapy?
Vibro-Acoustic Therapy, also referred to as Physio-Acoustic Therapy, is a branch of Sound Healing whereby felt-vibrations are transferred throughout a sound table or lounge directly into the body.
Within the Sound Table are low frequency tactile transducers, which relay vibrations throughout the cells, water, bones, muscles and systems of the body. As you lay on the sound table, your whole body resonates to the vibrations of sound, music and frequencies, as you simultaneously listen to the same sounds through headphones.
The effect is an immersive sound healing experience.
The music is scientifically and/or uniquely composed to engage the relaxation response, to create a deep sense of calm within the nervous system and to take you on an inward journey. Particular instruments, such as Crystal and Tibetan Bowls, Gong & Chimes are employed. Often tracks utilise nature sounds and binaural beats to positively shift the brainwaves and relax the mind.
The experience is a full mind, body, spirit reconnection and must be felt to truly understand.
Neuro-Acoustic Sound Therapy Reviews
Emma G.
Between the Vibrosound lounge and the work Will does, it's helped me heal somewhat from some pretty complex chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and ptsd issues that i've had for years!
I could not have gotten through the last year or so without the sound lounge as I was in so much pain and fatigue.
Naturopathically i was doing all i could but the sound healing has taken it next level,
So my body pain was healing but my brain was still a mess. The work Will does has really helped calm my brain and helped me sleep better, without disturbing nightmares!
Both modalities have especially helped me get focused again to rebuild my business after it was slaughtered by the pandemic!
You’re a legend! Thank you
Anthea W.
Science of sound is amazing! I'm so glad I found this place. William is very empathetic, helpful and super knowledgeable around everything to do with this sound therapy. The sound table is an experience not to be passed up!.....and the technology really helped my body to find its own equilibrium. My resting heart rate dropped from a crazy 99bpm down to 78bpm in the space of just two sessions and I love listening to the tracks at home! Great for stress and clearing the mind. Just brilliant.
Terri E.
My daughter and I travelled to Brisbane to have custom made soundtracks arranged by Will. It was quick and not expensive at all, considering the Tracks are to have our brains function optimally in Delta, Theta, Alpha waves, and more. The soundtracks are electronically sent to you, to keep and use at your convenience, I have also purchased a double pillow, so I can vibrate and massage my brainwaves at the same time.
Definitely money and time Very Well Spent. Do yourself a favour, look into this, the science is Amazing.
William Kane-Potaka
Bardon, Queensland 4065
As an Unregistered Provider, Science of Sound is able to receive NDIS funds if you are a self or plan managed NDIS Participant.